Medicaid and Adequacy of System Funding Key Issue Action Steps
- Redistribution of Existing Funding to Increase Funding for Home and Community-Based Services
- DC-specific
- Request that DHS supply annual census data and cost analysis at the five (5) developmental centers
- Review and analyze the data related to the DCs in order to advocate that a sensible fiscal plan be developed as utilization declines and costs rise
- Identify best practice across the nation and apply in NJ to accomplish successful deinstitutionalization
- State budget process
- Ensure stakeholder engagement in the early stages before major decisions are made.
- Request budgeted and actual spending in the following categories by fiscal year: DDD’s total budget, contracts, FFS budgets, and DCs including personnel services, maintenance and operational expenses.
- Advocate for the passage of the HCBS Access Act
- DC-specific
- Components of the DD System that Require Increased Funding
- DSP Wage Increase
- Analyze current Medicaid rates across the system and identify areas for increases
- Limited Flexibility and Options
- Increase flexibility, such as introducing “therapeutic leave” and “health and safety support during hospitalization,” so that they can visit their families, go to camp, take a vacation, and receive necessary medical care without jeopardizing their health, safety or residential service
- Revise Supports Program and Community Care Program language to be less rigid in how people spend their budgets to allow flexibility across services to best serve the individual, if service cannot be funded under a listed service, can use another general bucket (e.g., Goods & Services)
- DDAN to create concrete recommendations to submit to the State for consideration including flexibility in employment options and remote day program services
Next Steps:
- Advocate for the increase of funding for home and community-based services and support to increase individual budgets and rates for services
- DDAN to request and review Developmental Center data including (1) census of residents and staff and (2) cost analysis
- Plan to shift resources from DCs when appropriate to Home and Community Based Services
- State budget process
- DDAN to create short-term suggestions around budget development and timing of stakeholder input to promote early engagement
- DDAN to write concrete and specific recommendations to allow more flexibility in the way individuals and their families use their DDD budgets
- Work with FFS Transition Oversight Board to analyze current rates and make recommendations for appropriate increases to the rate
- Advocate for the passage of the HCBS Access Act
- Develop recommendations and submit comments throughout the Waiver Renewal process